What does this mean?

The Little School House is owned, led and managed by qualified teachers with over thirty years experience.

This means that our nursery and pre-school offers your child the opportunity to thrive in a setting that is full of carefully planned learning opportunities aimed to nurture, develop, and challenge little people’s minds.

What does this look like?

To many of us watching from the outisde in, all we want is for our little ones to be happy. For us as practioners we too want to see those smiles but we also want to ensure you children grow and develop through the education we offer. We do this in an abundance of ways:
  • We listen to your child.
  • We talk to your child and model purposeful langage
  • Our outstanding planning follows your childs interests.
  • Our assessment allow us to pinpoint areas for developemnt and set purposeful learning goals.
  • We question, suport and challenge their thinking.
  • We facilitate learning through a range of planned activities  and our experienced practiioners encourage and develop spontaneous learning opportunities led by your children.
  • We set purposeful learning goals with targeted outcomes
  • We record your child’s learning and share this with you regularly.
  • All our children our unique. We  support, challenge and encorage indiviuality.
We believe that every day at the Little School House is filled with learning opportunities. Rigourous planning and assessment using the early years framework, alongside our expertise enables our children to leave The Little School House well equipped for their fist year at school.

Ofsted Report 2018-19